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Sharing Knowledge – Inspiring Change

On the 2022 National Assessment of Education Progress, known as the Nation’s Report Card, nearly 70 percent of eighth graders scored below “proficient” and, of those, 30 percent scored “below basic.” NWEA just reported that the “the average student will need the equivalent of 4.8 additional months of schooling to catch up in reading” post-pandemic. As the momentum of science of reading takes hold of our national conversation, the time is now to dial into aligned approaches for adolescents.
Every year, the TRL-DC board listens to member feedback and the most urgent research to decide a theme for the school year. This year, we’re thrilled to have a line-up of extremely talented and experienced experts join us for a series called, “Adolescent Literacy: What matters most?” Event information for October 9, 2024
Our in-person events will continue to be held at Planet Word, thanks to Planet Word’s continued partnership with TRL-DC.
Additionally, TRL-DC will be hosting virtual programming through our Community of Practice this school year.
TRL-DC is and will be committed to free membership and free events; if you or a friend are interested, the best way to stay in touch is join us as a member.